Whose needs are being met?
In the arguments for and against building new institutions...
In the calling out for more respite care...
In the wrapping in cotton wool...
In the blindness and thoughtlessness...
In the policies and procedures and the risk assessments and the job descriptions...
In the ticking of boxes and filling in of forms and the meaningless plans and the intrusive questions...
In the assumptions made and the knowing what's best...
In the endless talk about funding constraints and block contracts and whether it's shared or self determined...
In the narrowed horizons and lowered expectations
In the search for the next model...
Whose needs are being met?
You don't have to be bashed and battered to experience abuse and neglect.
Invisibility will narrow your options and opportunities.
Indifference will kill you every time.
Whose needs are being met?
“A lot of you cared, just not enough.”
Jay Asher - 'Thirteen Reasons Why'